Thursday, April 2, 2015

Experience Happiness: follow these simple suggestions

By James Sangura

Aristotle once said, “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." The question then is why are people not happy or at least why not always? What has gone wrong? The only viable answer to this worrying trend is that people have lost their natural willingness to pursue happiness. All is however not lost. You can still learn how to smile again despite the high rates of depression and divorce. Let’s start with these simple suggestions:
Think Happy Thoughts
Consider this quote:
"The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature." Marcus Aurelius

You want to be happy, and you don’t know how? Well, why not begin with having happy thoughts? Your thoughts are extremely powerful. In fact, your decisions and actions in life are determined by what goes on in your mind. You should therefore not underestimate the power of the mind. The world has enough problems to last you a lifetime. You don’t need to create any more problems by harboring negative thoughts. Happy people tune their minds to generate only positive thoughts. They have learned to sieve out any negative thought despite the hurdles in their lives. You can also do the same. Positive thinking gives your confidence and determination to face the world and to look forward to a better tomorrow. 
Don’t Search for Happiness: it’s already within you
You don’t have to search for happiness. In other words, don’t give yourself a target to achieve so that you may be happy. Honestly, where does the search for happiness start? Where are you likely to find this happiness? Pursuing the search for happiness is a good example of an unending cycle that will only leave you exhausted and downtrodden. Take, for instance, when you are happy because you’ve bought a new car, a new house, or you’ve just graduated; how long will the bliss last? When are you next going to achieve such a feat for you to be happy? The best way is to allow happiness to find you. You might ask how this is possible. The truth is happiness is always within you. You have it with you all the time. The only this you’ve not done is to let it show.
Start by accepting who you are, and happiness will find you.
Smile Often and be happy
You can learn to be happy by regularly smiling. The more you work on your smile, the happier you’ll become. You can try this at home. Smile at yourself in the mirror and hold the smile for a few minutes. Within a short time, smiling will be part of your lifestyle as well as extreme happiness.
The smile changes your general outlook for better. It’s a very inexpensive natural beautifier because it’s a known secret that people who smile a lot are beautiful. When you smile, you relax the facial muscles. The muscles then lift your face, and, as a result, you look younger than you were before the smile.

 Please free to suggest any other ways we can bring happiness back in our lives by commenting below.

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