Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Find Happiness and Feel High: always

If you’re not happy today, chances are you have yourself to blame. Happiness must come from within you. When you experience total tranquility and freedom within you, nothing will stop you from being happy. Who doesn’t want to feel high once in a while? You might ask whether this is legal. To set the record straight, I’m not suggesting that you take any drug or alcohol. I don’t take any, so why should you? You can still achieve total ecstasy through these suggested easy ways. All of them are legal, so don't worry about that.

      Find happiness through meditation

In my opinion, meditation is the best natural and risk-free method to treat depression. If you make meditation part of your life, you’ll keep stress at bay always. It’s through meditation that you’ll find the inner peace and a sense of balance within you.
·       Follow these simple suggestions to meditate easily and find happiness.

Sit and relax. It’s advisable to sit on the front edge of an easy chair. You can now adjust your posture from the feet upwards. Make sure that your hips are level with your knees. You need to relax completely and pay attention only to the inner voice.  Use your mind to relax the muscles completely.
Place your palms on your thighs and drop the shoulders. Release any tension in your hands. Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of the mouth and close the lips slightly. Doing this will relax your jaws.
The essence is to relax so that you may release the tension without effort.
Feel your inner self and listen to the voice within
Become aware of your breathing. This way, you relax the muscles and the mind.
Smile inside and have positive thoughts
Let go of all the cares in the world and just let it be.

  • Find happiness through love.
George Sand once said, “There’s only one happiness in life, to love and to be loved.”
I can’t agree more. Love makes all things possible. In all the stages in my life, I have been made to believe that love is synonymous with happiness. I still hold that as nothing but the truth. So, open your heart to love and happiness will trickle in. However, to find true happiness in love, you must love yourself first. Fall irrevocably and truly in love with who you are before you extend the same to the other person. That’s how it works. There’s no way you can love someone else without first loving yourself.
·       So, the question is, how do you show love to yourself?
Well, I’ll suggest treating yourself well once in a while to an expensive gift.
You can also start doing the things that matter to only you. Revisit a forgotten hobby or something like that. You just have to find more time to do the things that make you happy. When you feel whole alone, only then are you ready for another person.
·       Find happiness by making love
A good and fulfilling lovemaking is the license to happiness. Sex with someone you love is good for you, and you can’t have enough of it. The enhanced heartbeat during sex will boost blood circulation. This gives you the energy that you need to feel on top of the world. Go ahead and have some good time tonight.

·       Find happiness: Listen to good music
We all love music. Well, majority of us do. For years now, music has been used to treat several illnesses. When you’re able to relieve stress and anxiety, happiness will automatically set in. Good music does exactly that. It’s soothing and can bring about the desired balance between your emotions, body, and the soul. Music will make you feel good.  To listen to good music, you need to find a quiet and conducive place—your bedroom will do just fine. It makes you relax. You also need good headphones to block out any destruction. Close your eyes, and just let the music do the talking. Give it all. In my opinion, music is the best way you can allay stress and anxiety. This way, you can always live the happy life you’ve always dreamed.
There you have it. Happiness is paramount, so don’t overlook it. It actually makes the world go round.
Any other suggestions about happiness are welcome.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Treat yourself well Everyday!

There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself well because everyone deserves to be happy. In fact, feeling good about yourself is good for your health. Among other things, it boosts self-esteem and sharps the mind. For this reasons, it’s important that you treat yourself well every day. You may try out the following easy ways to start you on the path to achieving self-compassion.
    Treat yourself well: Forgive and Let Go of Grudges
You made a mistake, so what? Let go of the guilt that you did something wrong. You made a bad choice, yeah! Life is full of mistakes, so if you don’t make any, who will. In fact, experts say it’s quite healthy to mess up once in a while. Don’t let that one mishap hold you down, forgive yourself. Forgiving yourself requires that you first ask the person you offended for forgiveness. This person might either be yourself or another person. Do not dwell so much on it though.  Also, don’t look back and wish you could turn the hands of time, instead consider what happened as a life lesson to shape your future. To be honest, mistakes are nothing but life lessons. Try and live each day at a time as you focus on the future and how to make it better.
Forgiving others also gives you the liberty to live your life freely. It relieves you of the burden of anticipating an apology from someone—which might never come. Forgiving frees you from negative emotions that sap your energy. The ability to forgive, however, requires dedication, willingness and focus. To be able to forgive and forget, you need to focus on the ultimate benefits that come with living freely.
    Treat yourself well: Listen to Your Inner Self
Deep within you, there’s a voice that is constantly talking to you. Listen to it. It’s called the inner voice and is always sending you private messages. Don’t ignore them. You have to build confidence in your inner voice so that it may talk to you freely. If you are almost always so critical of your efforts, consult the inner voice. It has the answers. Take some time off and just be by yourself and listen to yourself.  Five to fifteen minutes are enough every day. Find a serene place in your house and let go of all other concerns then relax. You may choose to lie down, close your eyes and empty the mental trash bin. Allow the two of you to share your fears, anxieties, disappointments and even joys and happiness. Consider the inner voice your trusted friend. It guides you through the journey of life, so treat yourself well by paying more attention to it more often.
    Treat yourself well: Listen to Good Music
Good music has magical healing effects. In fact, it has continually been used as therapy for depression, anxiety, stress, pain, blood pressure and many other ailments. When you listen to relaxing music, your emotions are given a boost. The relationship between music and the human brain is quite intriguing. It relaxes the mind and this way; it sends signals to the entire body that things are just right. Music affects the right side of your brain that is responsible for striking a balance between work and relaxation. So, treat yourself well by listening to good music. You can still make this a private affair by listening through good earphones.
    Treat yourself well: Relax in a warm, Soothing Bath
A warm bath is therapeutic. It promotes wellness of the entire body by relaxing the muscles. The warm water will trigger sweating and, as a result, the body releases itself of toxins. Through the elimination of these toxins, the body is let free of diseases. It also allows you to sleep soundly at night. A warm bath also calms and relaxes your mind.

Lastly, you can treat yourself well simply by shutting out all negativeness. Concentrate on living a positive life that will leave you feeling fulfilled.