Monday, June 22, 2015

The Best Tips on How to Find Happiness

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Everyday people are trying to seek happiness in what they do. In fact, how to find happiness should be the number one objective for anyone who wishes to remain relevant as far as life is concerned.
How happy you can be will depend on how you carry yourself plus your lifestyle. There are many tips that you can use to generate happiness from within.
It’s only advisable that you purpose to be happy. You can start by trying out these simple suggestions.

How to Find Happiness: Develop a Positive Attitude
“Attitude is everything” 
I’m quoting these words because they’re not mine. I’m also quite sure you’ve heard them at least once in your life. How true they are, I can’t tell, but to me they mean a lot. I also read somewhere that 99% of success in whatever you choose to do is determined by your attitude. A positive attitude will surely go a long way.

So, as you try to pursue happiness in your life, try and develop a positive attitude towards yourself and life in general. The level of happiness that you acquire will always be determined by your personal attitude towards others and your lifestyle. 

In fact the road to happiness and meaningful life is to choose to pursue goodness and to shun negativity. Try that today and see what happens.
Here is how you can attain positive attitude:
·         Surround yourself with positive people. Ever heard of "You're who you associate with?"
·         Find joy in learning something new every day.
·         Focus on your goal and always take challenges as opportunities to learn.
·         Take a moment and just be, just be.
·         Accept the fact that sometimes things might not go right.That's life, really.
·         Watch less television. Yes, it can be done!
·         Learn to count your blessing however little or small you perceive of them.

How to Find Happiness: Meditate Often
Meditation will help to strike a balance between your body and the soul. This way, you'll feel the inner peace and tranquility.  Here's how you go about meditating.

Shut your eyes and give yourself to serenity. That’s the essence of meditation really!
Close your eyes and think of  a beautiful place you’d wish to be.  Imagine yourself there. Smile as you connect with the inner self. Keep the picture of serenity and peace alive in your mind. Make this picture part of you.

While still in this state of total peace,  become conscious of your breathing. Let yourself almost smile as you picture this place in your mind.
While still picturing your beautiful place, be aware of your breathing.

Breathe in slowly then let it out
Repeat this process with the picture still in your mind. 

Take a walk in the place you’ve imagined yourself in. It may be an attractive park or along a gentle stream. Keep walking as you think only about happiness and glory.
You can then find a quite place to sit. Keep the picture in mind.  Strike the meditating posture and follow the meditation process. You can read about the steps here.
Meditation will do the following to your body:
·         It lowers your blood pressure thus it reduces anxiety
·         It also lowers your blood pressure and relaxes the mind.
·         It has healing powers.

All these aspects point at a life of total happiness.

How to Find Happiness: Live a Healthy Life

Your lifestyle is a key determinant to your happiness. To find some happiness in your daily activities, you must plan your a daily routine that will ensure you exercise both the body and the mind. You also need to get enough sleep. This promotes blood circulation and enhances metabolism.

You also need to laugh more as it aids in the release of endorphins that brings down the level of stress.

 Healthy eating is another factor that will guarantee you a happy life.

How to Find Happiness: Be Kind and Serve Others

How you treat others will  determine if you’ll be happy or you won't. Follow these simple rules:
·         Ensure that you respect others regardless of their social stations.
·         Use only positive language when interacting with others. Just don’t offend others through your words.
·         Be a good listener and empathetic with others.
·         Always speak well of others.

These are some of the suggestions of how to find happiness in your daily activities. You therefore need to practice and embrace them in case you want to live a happy life. Other suggestions might be reconnecting with nature, being free inwardly, caring for your spirits and living in the present among others.

Monday, June 15, 2015

How to Find Happiness after a Breakup

Breaking up with a partner can be very difficult and so can the aftermath of the breakup. It can be a very hurtful and emotional time. The road to finding happiness again can be a long one. This article has a brief look at how to find happiness again

1.      How to Find Happiness after a Breakup: Be Grateful
When you wake up, you are the only person who can decide how the tone of your day is going to be. Before getting out of bed, come up with ten things you are grateful for. You may be surprised as to just how much you can come up with. Another thing to do is to give your brain something positive to think about. Again, do these before you get out of bed?

2.      How to Find Happiness after a Breakup: Have A List Of Things To Do.

Consider some things that you haven't done for a while or that have been neglected and create a list. This could be anything from cleaning out your wardrobe, or painting your lounge room etc. Also think about the things that you really want to get done too

3.      How to Find Happiness after a Breakup: Don't Stalk.
Rather than continuing to go to your ex partners Facebook page or other social media pages, block them! If you keep on visiting their pages, this will not only torture you but will also keep you stuck in the past. Stay away from places that the two of you used to go to together. Stop hoping that you would run into your partner whilst out and about.
 Doing these things will only cause you to feel alone and sad. If you got caught, you would end up embarrassed.

4.      How to Find Happiness after a Breakup: Have A Make Over
Consider having a makeover. Go and have your hair changed, create a new style etc. During this time, think about who you are and perhaps who you might like to be. Consider who you were before the relationship you were in. Because your partner is with you, you alone can make your own decisions! You wont have to be concerned about what they might think.

5.      How to Find Happiness after a Breakup: Spice Up Your Routine
If you have a set routine, try spicing it up with different things. These things might include a new super market or a new way of getting to your work place or college. Create new memories and new faces. By doing this you will be able to develop a new story. It will give your brain new information.

6.      Consider Who It Is You Are. Ask Yourself: Who Am I?
 Reflect on the period you were in before you entered the relationship. Did you have any interests or hobbies that you did not take up during the relationship? Think about something that you might be interested in taking up that you weren't able to do whilst in the relationship. Whilst you have this time on your own, this is the perfect time to do something for you. You will also meet new people. These are just a few ways on how to find happiness. Remember that it takes time to heal from the hurts.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Find Happiness in a Relationship: Learn How to Overcome Stress

Do you want to Find Happiness in a Relationship? I believe the answer is “yes”.
If so, then you must learn how to overcome stress. If you’re in a relationship, you’ll agree with me that sometimes things can go really wrong. So, we should expect anything and learn to deal with whatever comes your way.
Relationships could be exciting, involving, moving and stressful all at the same time. That’s the essence of life.
Find Happiness in a Relationship: What Brings about the Stress?
 Stress in a relationship could be brought about by any of the following factors:
·         the relationship itself,
·          the partner
·         Yourself
·          Sometimes money and sex might create the strain.
Identify the cause of your stress and learn how to deal with that. That’s the only way you’re going to find happiness in a relationship.

Find Happiness in a Relationship: Do you Feel Insecure?
It’s okay to feel insecure once in a while in your relationship. However, if not checked, Insecurities can be the cause of all your relationship squabbles.
 It’s quite human, as we all know, to comparing yourself to others. Most of us will envy other people’s relationships just because they feel insecure in their own.  Insecurities start this way and will grow if not recognized and arrested earlier.
We may find ourselves hating our partners because they have better jobs or bigger pay. We may also dislike them because they dominate our space in the relationship.  This is quite normal. The problem sets in when we overreact because of this.
You could overcome your insecurities by appreciating the fact that the partner is an integral part of the relationship. Also appreciate that in a relationship, there’s no “I” but it’s always “WE”. Whatever the other person has is for the good of the relationship.

Find Happiness in a Relationship:  Are You Overly Obsessed?

Obsession is not good for any relationship. You should avoid it.
 It comes about when we are unable to balance between love and trust. Love is an integral part of any relationship. Any relationship, must in fact, be founded on love. But that is not enough. Trust is equally important if you hope to find happiness in a relationship.
Obsession comes from our fear of losing that special someone. It’s also aggravated by lack of trust. So, unknowingly, we might hurt our partners in the name of solving imaginable problems.  As a result, they’ll feel entirely tied up and tormented because they are not allowed to do the things they had been doing before they met you. They’ll start to visualize life without you. That will be the beginning of bigger problems.
In other words, your obsession might threaten your own happiness.

Be honest with yourself. Consider the things that matter to you in the relationship only and leave the rest out.  If you truly love your partner, then you'll be generous enough to give them all the space and time that they need. You, too, have a life. So let’s just say that your life might be "around them" so you must learn how to incorporate your life properly with their life. Being one with a partner doesn't mean that you gag their freedom to be them. 

Find Happiness in a Relationship:  Sex

To find find happiness in a relationship, you should have enough sex. However, be careful not to overindulge. Sex could be the cause of your problems in a relationship. There are times when we find ourselves stressed because we know that there are attractive people somewhere, and we are bothered with the idea that our partners may be cheating. Sex is a sanctuary of love so rest assured that when your partner is still having sex with you, there is a little probability that he is engaging with someone else...unless you push them to do so!

Relax and enjoy the sex while it lasts!

Find Happiness in a Relationship:  Money

 Money is another material thing that evokes stress in a relationship. When you have little, you don't talk with each other and when you speak, you're both shouting at each other.
Enter any relationship with your own money.  Play your part when it comes to money issues. Also talk to your partner and analyze the problem. Instead of planting bigger and dirtier ideas in your mind, confront your partner. Instead of blaming your partner of why they don’t earn well, ask them about what you can do to help. Relationships could be stressful but, remember; they are meant to be magical if you only know how to deal with them well. That’s the only way to find happiness in a relationship.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Ten Great Inspirational Quotations!

I derive a lot of motivation from motivational quotes. I know you can also benefit from these wisely crafted short statements. So, for inspirations I have put together the following quotes to help you out.

“Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” – Dale Carnegie

“Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.” – Napoleon Hill

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Some men see things as they are and say, “Why?” I dream of things that never were and say, “Why not?” – George Bernard Shaw

“A small trouble is like a pebble. Hold it too close to your eye and it fills the whole world and puts everything out of focus. Hold it at a proper distance and it can be examined and properly classified. Throw it at your feet and it can be seen in its true setting, just one more tiny bump on the pathway of life.” – Celia Luce

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” – Carl Bard

“I’m not telling you it is going to be easy – I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it” – Art Williams

Motivational Sayings – Attitude

Attitude “There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.” – W. Clement Stone

“Nothing on earth can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” – Thomas Jefferson

“A person cannot directly choose his circumstances, but he can choose his thoughts, and so indirectly, yet surely, shape his circumstances.” – James Allen

“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.” – Mohandas Karamcha
nd (Mahatma) Gandhi

I get inspired a lot from these quotes
. My prayer is that you also get inspired and motivated to eventually write your own sayings.
You can share some of your own here.